This Dark World

Breaking Reza

Too dark,
To show you this world
To find you there
In your place you lie down
As you hope a peace from heaven

I call you a name
They don't understand
Remember when you tried to save the souls
You are right

I can't sing a song
For you
Sometimes tears tell me anything that I need
I would bury you
In peace

Tell me anyway
You are not laughing
Tell me for one last time
I want to hold the hands

Yeterday seems over
And I close any doors
Leave it alone
Can you take me to yours?

In every chances you say
You could create the other memories
"Here we are, ready to go to the other place."
But I would ask you one thing,
Why you keep smiling?

Teach me how to stand
Teach me how to walk
You never give in
Your tears show me how the pain feels like

But I don't ask you to stop
But tell me, again
God's listening to you

My prayers come over you in the night
No one can understand those words
I show you the strength
You show me the spirit

And one day I see you again
You can't open your eyes
Cause you've gone to another place
In smiling
Cause you believe in what God told you

And I won't see the birds singing
In this war we should survive
And there's no defeat
We will see again in heaven

Live or die
This is the decision
I show you the world
Crying over night
Screaming in the daylight

Soon, the dawn will come over
To begin everything
To end what is should to be
Light up your soul
We're moving on from this dark world
To live again,
